#LE1030 Malavika's Garden Blueprint

Hello Malavika, your Garden Blueprint is here

I'm Sarah, your garden expert

I've been working in horticulture and landscape design for 15+ years. I loved reviewing your garden and crafting a cottage-style blueprint for you. If you have any questions, click the icon in the bottom right corner for help.

Get started by watching a video I made for you below

Malavika, here's my garden assessment

Expert Review

Blocked sun exposure

Your west-facing garden captures the beautiful evening sun, perfect for plants that flourish with afternoon light. However the large laurel and tall fir trees are blocking the available light.

Good-sized front garden

Your front garden is a good size without being too hard to manage. An ideal canvas for a low maintenance garden that adds visual interest.

Versatile space

Square gardens are versatile; you can choose straight-line borders for a sleek, modern look or curved borders to soften the space and enhance its charm.

Seasonally wet soil

It appears that your garden has naturally wet sandy and loamy soil, this tends to have lower fertility and be very acidic. Not to worry, though. We'll select plants that are hardy and thrive in these conditions to ensure your garden remains vibrant and healthy. Additionally, we’ll include a specific fertiliser to boost your plants' growth and maximise their potential.

  • Traditional style with a touch of whimsy

    You appreciate the elegance of a neat and orderly garden but enjoy a touch of natural spontaneity. While you value the structured beauty of traditional styles, you prefer incorporating gentle overspill to soften the edges, creating a balance between manicured and naturally flowing spaces.

  • Wildlife friendly

    Incorporating native plants will attract and sustain local wildlife, bringing your garden to life.

  • Colour palette

    You're looking to transform your blank canvas with a vibrant mix of yellow, peach and white creating a visually stunning garden that bursts with colour and interest. This lively palette will invigorate your outdoor space, making it a joyful extension of your home.

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Tips and design principles

How to create your traditional garden

Creating a traditional garden in your medium square space is all about blending classic design with practical functionality.

By introducing elegant decorative borders, you can effortlessly segment the garden into cosy zones.

Make the most of your garden’s square layout by thoughtfully positioning these areas to maximise space and enhance light distribution.This careful arrangement ensures each section is not only welcoming but also beautifully defined.

Create a harmonious and charming front garden that not only captivates the eye but also makes your garden a practical extension of your home.

Malavika, I recommend:

Designing your traditional square garden

Diagonal paths: Implementing diagonal pathways can make the garden appear larger and more dynamic. This approach guides the eye across the garden diagonally, making the most of the available space and adding an element of surprise to the garden layout.

Zoning: Divide the space into distinct functional zones such as a seating area, a play area for children, and planting beds. This helps to break up the square symmetry in a practical way, making the garden more versatile and catered to different uses.

Malavika, I recommend:

Layering plants for depth and maximise space

Layered planting: Use a mix of plant heights and types to create depth and texture. Tall trees or shrubs at the corners can help soften the boundaries and lower plants towards the centre can keep the space open and airy. 

Colour and texture: Use colour and texture to add interest and movement to the garden. Bright flowering plants can draw attention. Lighter colours at the garden's end make the space feel larger, while darker near the front add depth.

Malavika, I recommend:

Try incorporating curves and frame borders to add structure

Incorporate curves: Adding curved planting beds or a rounded patio area can contrast effectively with the angular boundaries of a square garden, introducing a fluid and organic feel to the space.

Border frames: Establishing well-defined borders using hedges, low fences, or perennial beds can provide structure while still allowing for creative planting choices. Borders help to define the garden’s layout clearly and can make maintenance easier.

  • Try adding functional and decorative elements

    Tip: Consider adding features that attract wildlife, such as bird baths, insect hotels, and classic bird feeders. Choose designs that complement the traditional style of your garden. Why: Encouraging wildlife not only enhances the garden's natural appeal but also helps in creating a lively and vibrant outdoor space.

  • You can use lighting creatively

    Tip: Enhance the ambience of your garden at night with tasteful lighting solutions. Install lantern-style lights to illuminate pathways or use soft spotlights to highlight traditional sculptures and planting features. Why: Proper lighting not only accentuates the beauty of traditional designs but adds functionality and a warm glow to evening gatherings.

  • Add wildlife-friendly features

    Tip: Enhance your traditional style garden with functional decor such as rustic benches, antique-looking plant stands, or Victorian-style trellises. Why: These pieces provide utility while beautifying the space, marrying practicality with the old-world charm characteristic of traditional gardens, and reflecting your unique aesthetic preferences.

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Get started with your first curved border

Alternatively start with a smaller straight style border

Now Unlock Your Dream Garden

Malavika, effortlessly bring your Garden Blueprint to life. Choose from three personalised ways to transform your garden:

  • 6 x

    Classic shrubs with large flowers

  • 8 x

    Hardy and evergreen for texture

  • 7 x

    Perennials with attractive foliage

  • 3 x

    Evergreen winter flowers

  • 4 x

    Year-round purple foliage

  • 1 x

    Biodegradable Plant-by-Numbers

  • 1 x

    Simple Planting Guide

  • Included

    Easy Plant Care & Advice

  • 1 x bag

    Organic Fertiliser

  • ...

    and some surprises!

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